
Calculating percents in columns of cross-tab

The ProcessCellEvent event is added for cross-fields. The event allows you to process the value of cells after the rendering a cross-table. An example of the event for cell summation:
if (e.Value> 100)
e.Value = e.Value / 100;
e.Text = "NONE";
In this event, you can also apply to other cells. Example:

Cells [0, 0] - a numeric value in the current cell
Cells [-1, 0] - a numeric value in the cell on the left of the current one
Cells [1, 0] - a numeric value in the cell on the right of the current one
Cells [0, -1] - a numeric value in the cell above from the current one
Cells [0, 1] - a numeric value in the cell below from the current one

Code example:
e.Value = Cells [-1, 0] / 2;

To subscribe to this event for changing the totals, it is not necessary to subscribe to the cell summation but to the total cell (the Total inscription). In this case, additionally, you can use the following variables:

e.Cell.SummaryIndex is the total index, starts with 0. For example, if using two total cells in the cross-table, the first one will have the 0 index, the second one will have the 1 index. If the cell does not have an index (is not a total), then the index is -1.

e.Cell.IsCrossSummary is the total angular cell, the cell at the intersection of horizontal and vertical lines of totals.


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